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18ft x 12ft approx (5.4m x 3.6m) field shelter with a canopy roof and front guttering for added cover, complete with kick board lining & galvanized steel sledge.
Please check below for the specification and included features. Should you have any questions or require further details or pricing, call James or Ally on 07870 269323 or 01373 813067, email
All our framing, cladding & roof timber is fully pressure treated with TANALITH E fungicidal preservative.
19mm x 150mm Pressure Treated (Tanalised) Sawn Featheredge Cladding
75mm x 50mm Tanalised Framing fixed at 600mm centres
Roof supports are 100mm x 50mm tanalised sawn redwood
Corrugated Onduline Roof Sheets with one clear GRP Translucent Roof Light fitted as standard to each stable. We also offer Onduline in other colours. Steel box profile & fibre cement roof sheets are also available
15mm OSB (oriented strand board) Kick Board Lining to 1220mm High (Kick Board Lining available to eaves height is also available)
112mm Guttering and Downpipes fitted to Front (rear guttering available on request)
80mm x 80mm Box Section Galvanized Steel Sledge with towing points